6:04:00 PM
Assalamualaikum and Hi!
KUALA LUMPUR, 13 DECEMBER 2019: Tourism Malaysia organised a special appreciation
dinner to acknowledge the support and cooperation
received from members of the media
and tourism industry players throughout 2019.

Some 350 guests from the media industry as well as local tourism industry players, comprising editors,
journalists, bloggers and social media content editors and writers, as well as hoteliers,
tourism associations, travel
agents and tourism product owners, were invited to share the
special evening taking place at The Glasshouse at Seputeh
in Kuala Lumpur tonight.

Serving also as an important networking
platform for Tourism Malaysia officers to
engage with the media and industry players, the occasion was hosted by Director
General of Tourism Malaysia, Datuk
Musa Yusof, with YB Tuan Muhammad Bakhtiar
Wan Chik, Deputy Minister of Tourism,
Arts and Culture, as guest of honour.

During the welcome speech, Datuk Musa Yusof said: “It seems fitting to end this successful
year in this way as an acknowledgement of the strong support given by our media and industry
partners for all the
events we have organised throughout the year.”
He noted the positive exposure on Malaysia provided by the Malaysian
media and thanked them for their professionalism.
He also expressed gratitude to the industry players for
promoting Malaysia internationally
through the “Malaysia
Truly Asia” brand, and domestically
with the “Cuti-Cuti Malaysia”
He said: “By working
together, we all reap the rewards from tourist
arrivals and tourist expenditure, and along the way, reinforce Malaysia as a diverse, harmonious and beautiful tourist destination.”
“Please continue to stand with us in ensuring the success of Visit
Malaysia 2020,” he urged.
YB Tuan Muhammad Bakhtiar also acknowledged the support from media and
tourism trade players.

Met some bloggers Zandra Zane, Qisstera, Mama Ble, Wendy Pua, Farah Dafri and Khaty Aiman. Glad to meet all of you. (White and Blue Theme)
He said: “Now that news can travel all over the globe thanks to social media platforms
and the power of the Internet,
media players shoulder a heavier responsibility
in reporting, and need to be more sensitive to the repercussions of their words on the global stage.”
He added: “I look forward to even closer working ties with everyone next
year during the Visit
Malaysia 2020 to welcome
30 million tourists and RM100 billion receipts. We should
be proud to showcase to visitors from all over the
world, Malaysia’s peace-loving, multi-cultural society, comprising of more than 200 ethnic communities who have lived in harmonious unity all these years.”
The Deputy Minister also
said: “The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and Tourism
Malaysia are planning to kick off the Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign in a big way. I take this opportunity to formally invite all of you to take part in welcoming
the New Year and the 2020 campaign.”

According to him, the
Malaysia Open House Christmas, New Year and launch
of Visit Malaysia 2020 will simultaneously be celebrated at Dataran Merdeka on 31 December.
Senior officials of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture along with Tourism Malaysia will head to various
air, land and sea entry points in Malaysia to welcome the
arrival of the first
tourists to Malaysia in 2020 on 1 January.
Industry players and members of the media were invited to join in on
the occasion as well.
For the year 2019, Tourism
Malaysia had organised various media familiarisation
trips, industry briefings, press conferences and networking programmes to maintain good relations with the media and industry players.

Special performance by Britain's Got Talent, Andrew Lee. ok now I knew his trick hehe.

All food and dessert are super delicious.

Here's what inside the goodies bag.
Last but not least, I would like to thank to Tourism Malaysia Northern Region and Headquarter for invited me to this event.
kita pun join..:)
ReplyDeleteWoah best nyer event Tourism Malaysia ni, hopefully I can join the next round.
ReplyDeleteBestnya dapat join event yang dianjurkan Touriam Malaysia ni. Ramai jugak yang hadir ye..
ReplyDeleteTourism Malaysia pun menghargai blogger2 sebab orang akan google tntg sesuatu tmpt tu di google & jmpe blog. Smga negara kita cepat pulih dr covid19
ReplyDeleteBestnya dapat join event macam nie kan..
ReplyDeleteSeronoknya tgk berpeluang sertai event ni.. Mcm2 info ttg tourism blh dpt kan
ReplyDeleteMeriah eventnya.. Syok dpt join tourism punya event.. Lepas ni kita travel dalam malaysia jela.. Support..
ReplyDeleteamazing..good luck. malaysia Boleh!
ReplyDeleteBestnya dapat join event..
ReplyDeleteTapi lagi best bila tengok dalam goodies bag tu haaa. Haha
Meriah macam macam ada.
Lama tak join event tourism Malaysia, selalunya memang event yang dianjurkan best nak-nak part makan saya suka sangat dapat cuba pelagai jenis makanan