
Butterfly Project Turns 6 : Flower Crown Party

11:49:00 PM

Its been sooooooo long im not joined any events after back in Kedah. Thank you so much for the invitation to celebrate Butterfly Birthday Party. This is my third time attending Butterfly's event. My last two events were (Kenko Fish Spa and Laser Tag Party) are just past a few years during my study in USIM. It was good to see some familiar and new faces during this Birthday Party. And I always excited to attend their event sebab their theme tak pernah tak best.

Photo credit: Aiin Baharom (dalam my phone semua gambar pejam mata hehe)

Us with our own DIY Flower Crown. Yayy able to meet pretty Zandra, Farah, Iuzira, Ain, Mek Onie and Fateen.

1. The Flirty Spring Party Buffet by @jomparty.

What I love the most during this event is their super delicious food (desserts). The Flirty Spring Party Buffet is so pretty and beautiful by https://www.instagram.com/jomparty/ . I love all their mini flower fruit tart and pavlova. ehh semua laa sedappppppppp!

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

My all time favorite, mini pavlova.

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Flower fruit tart yang bukan saja cantik tapi sedap sangat.

1. D-I-Y Flower Crown Workshop by @avantgardeblooms .

Thank you teacher Emi from  https://www.instagram.com/avantgardeblooms/ for guide us on how to make Flower Crown. I enjoyed every seconds while preparing this though at first I do not have any idea on how my flower crown will looks alike (I means I do not have any specific theme). bila tengok butterfly lain dah start decorate their flower while mine takda idea langsung and I chose to eat first (grab my favorite desserts and eat some before I started D-I-Y my flower crown).  

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Everyone choosing their favorite flowers. I managed to grab baby's breath.

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Stress mengira berapa tangkai baby's breath yang nak ambik.

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Seriously nak buat Flower Crown ni bukan senang tau, penat even nak habis satu tu ja pun. so memang patut lah dekat kedai pun jual mahal. It takes a quite long time to finish this. Mula mula rajin letak baby breath kecik2 ja lepastu macam bila nak habis ni terus jarakkan between each of the baby breath sebab nak cepat siap hehe. Anyway I enjoyed so much during this workshop. Teacher Emi really helps and guide us! Thank you teacher. Oh ya if im not mistaken their fresh flowers are imported flowers.

Finally, my first ever flower crown with using baby's breath, eucalyptus, chrysanthemums and some famous Wild Garden. I actually love the wild garden so much but did not managed to get it as it sold very fast :D Thanks to Mek Onie who gave me some of her balance Wild Garden. I personally satisfied with the final looks of my Flower crown.

Teacher Emi was super helpful!


These are what you need to make your own  Flower Crown.

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Our table gifts is sooo pretty! 

Whats on the table :

1) Butterfly Birthday Chocolate Cupcake from JomParty

2) Birthday Gifts by Yves Rocher My  https://www.instagram.com/yvesrochermy/

3) Beautiful and delicious hand painted Macaron by Madeleine https://www.instagram.com/macarons.bymadeleine/

4) Pretty table decor with butterfly balloons by The Blossom Balloons https://www.instagram.com/theblossomballoons/
and Fresh Flowers with vanilla candle by The Avant Garde Blooms.

5) Beautiful heart necklace by pretty mamasan Tammy Lim, founder of Butterfly Project.

Received a birthday gifts from https://www.instagram.com/yvesrochermy/ who also celebrate their 60th Anniversary. They are passionate about plants and being most respectful beauty brand for both women and planet.

Whats inside the box :

Ultra-Fresh Cleansing Oil, 125ml.
Detox Micellar Shampoo, 300ml
Concentrated Shower Gel, 100ml.

Thank you so much @yvesrochermy.

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

Photo credit: Eros Si (www.fishmeatdie.com) and Bokoaz (www.bokoaz.com)

One of the best and unique tea just launch in Malaysia, just grab and go! You can enjoy a cup of tea whenever you are as you do not need to use spoon yay! The unique tea stick not only act as stirrer, it ensures that the tea infuses evenly throughout the entire cup or mug.

They comes with 10 delicious flavors T-sticks https://www.instagram.com/tsticksmy/ for you to chose from.

Oh ya we also enjoyed a session with our comedy act by Malaysia's Queen of Comedy by Joanne Kam https://www.instagram.com/joannekampohpoh/

Thank you so much The Butterfly Project for the opportunity, hope to see you soon in another event!

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  1. Happy birthday to the butterfly project!

  2. comel majlis ni, macam sweet je

  3. Teringinnya nak join event mcm ni..hope butterfly dpt buat kt penang plak

  4. cik en suka sgt tea tu.. sampai skrg mcm syg nak guna

  5. bestnyaa..teringin nak join tapi anak-anak takde siapa jaga..ehhe..cute je dekorasi dia..

  6. Meriahnya. Tema warna pastel nampak sweet sangat. Plus deco dia buat lagi comel.

  7. Best tengok kengkawan update pasal event ni tau. Dah la semua ppuan je. Memang enjoy sangat la kan.

  8. Meriah event ni, rugi tak pergi.. Last minit ada hal lain. Kalau tak boleh kenal2 dengan kawan2 baru..

  9. Seronoknya dapat join butterfly lain join event ni. Nampak meriah

  10. TBP kalau buat event tak pernah hambar.. Meriah2 semua nya tau

  11. Omg... the setup are so nice for photos and the gifts too.

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