
ARE YOU ‘THE FACE OF HEALTHY BEAUTY’? 4 finalists selected in the second Semi-Finals held in Penang

10:52:00 PM

Guardian Malaysia which is on a nation-wide quest to find FOUR women, who best fit the bill as ‘The Face of Healthy Beauty’ held its second semi-final round in Penang on 23rd June 2019 for the Northern region.

 All 25 semi-finalists of The Face of Healthy Beauty posing on stage.

After a hard-fought semi-finals where each of the 25 shortlisted semi-finalists had to go through challenges that display their aptitude and personality to deservedly earn the title ‘The Face of Healthy Beauty’, four finalists emerged to progress to the Grand Finals to be held in Kuala Lumpur on 27 July 2019.

The FOUR finalists from Penang who will progress to the Grand Finals in Kuala Lumpur: (from left) Yeoh Yen Nee, Lim Ying Pheay, Afeefa Anagien Mohd Azri and Tech Evian.

The FOUR finalists from the Penang leg were:

1.    Afeefa Anaqien Binti Mohd Azri Ooi
2.    Lim Ying Pheay
3.    Teoh Evian
4.    Yeoh Yen Nee

A jubilant Afeefa Anaqien, 20, of Kulim, Kedah, said she was super happy and shocked to be picked as a finalist.

“This is the first time I have entered such a competition and I am over the moon and very excited to be picked for the Finals and I am looking forward to it,” she said excitedly.

Afeefa admitted that she prepared diligently for the semi-finals by rehearsing her presentation and thinking about the Q&As.

She also attributed her success to her mother who has been her greatest supporter. 

“My mother is my pillar of support and has always been there for me.  I owe her a lot and I am glad she is here with me in Penang to help celebrate this win,” Afeefa said while trying to control her emotions.

When asked if she had any message for women out there who aspire to be healthy beauties, she said she wants to encourage all women to be themselves and live life to their fullest potential and enjoy their lives for life is short.

Afeefa is studying to be a Physiotherapist and is also a part-time model.    

More personal details on these first four finalists can be found on the contest microsite at https://theface.guardian.com.my.

The next leg of the semi-finals will be held in Shah Alam this weekend where another 4 finalists will be selected from the Central region.  The last semi-finals will be held in Kota Kinabalu Sabah on 7 July.

At the launch of this nation-wide search in May this year, Soren Lauridsen, CEO, South East Asia, Guardian Health And Beauty Sdn Bhd said: “This search for The Face of Healthy Beauty is NOT a Beauty contest. 

“In our books, the Healthy Beauty, is a person who lives life to the fullest in a healthy way, and has a distinctive style and pleasant personality. She is someone with a positive attitude, gives priority to being healthy first; and looks after her physical beauty too.”    

Contestants flexing their makeup skills in the makeover challenge at the Semi Final of The Face of Healthy Beauty held in Gurney Plaza, Penang.

Each winner will sign a one-year contract as Guardian Brand Ambassador that comes with  RM10,000 cash, RM10,000 Guardian vouchers, and RM5,000 each for them to give to a charity organization of their choice. They will be featured on the Cover of Guardian’s Brand Catalogues and other collaterals and will receive products from participating sponsors.

Soren explains that the Healthy Beauty concept is at the core of Guardian’s brand philosophy and that this concept was borne from a consumer insight that good health is the foundation of true beauty.

“We discovered that our customers believe that true beauty comes from a healthy physical and mental state of being,” Soren said.

By focusing on this consumer need since its very first store at The Weld 52 years ago, Guardian, has become the store to go to for health and beauty needs.

He said: “While these basic needs have remained, consumption trends have evolved driven by changing lifestyles and economic circumstances.  Health and beauty are no longer as clearly defined as they used to be.  They have been intertwined.   Guardian too, has evolved.  From being the health and beauty store, our mission now is to inspire our customers to live a healthy and beautiful life.”

“To achieve our mission, we have trained our team members to be beauty and health care advisors, while continuing to offer the latest and most innovative health and beauty products,” Soren added.

Touted as the first-of-its-kind in Malaysia, this search for ‘The Face of Healthy Beauty’ is open to all Malaysian females aged 18 years and above.  Entries were submitted online at  https://theface.guardian.com.my.

Participants needed to upload a 30 second video of themselves indicating ‘Why they want to be The Face of Healthy Beauty?’ or write in not more than 100 words why they want to be The Face of Healthy Beauty.  

One hundred (100) shortlisted participants will be selected to attend each  semi-final to be held at Johor Bahru City Square, Gurney Plaza Penang, Central i-City Mall Shah Alam and 1Borneo Hypermall Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.  Four semi-finalists from each region will attend the Grand Finals in Shah Alam on 27 July 2019.

In addition to the four winners, there will be eight category winners to be awarded by sponsors.  These are: Most Healthy (Blackmores), Most Elegant (Bio-essence), Most Youthful (Garnier), Most Expressive Eyes (L'Oréal), Most Passionate (Maybelline), Most Confident (Nivea), Most Cheerful (Safi) and Most Charming (TRESemmé)

Guardian customers can also vote, from 8 July – 24 July 2019 on the microsite, for their favourite finalist to win at the Grand Finals.  The votes received for each finalist will contribute towards 50% of the total scores at the Grand Finals. Customers can earn more votes with purchases at Guardian.  For one vote, no purchase is required; for 5 Votes, they need to purchase any item from Guardian and for 10 Votes, they need to purchase any participating sponsor brands in a single receipt.

If that particular contestant wins in the Grand Finals, then she will do a draw to pick her lucky voter. A total 4 draws will be done. Each Winner will pick 1 voter. The selected voter will be rewarded with RM500 worth of Guardian vouchers.

Furthermore, there is also a Scan & Win contest for customers from 10 June to 7 July 2019. QR codes will be placed in Guardian stores for customers to scan. After scanning the QR code, they just need to answer four questions related to healthy beauty. After answering, they will receive an instant voucher for their next purchase.

More details of the search, and the full terms and conditions for participation are available at https://theface.guardian.com.my.


*On a side note, I learnt so many new tips dealing with healthy and beauty (skincare routine) & some inspiration to live healthier (among the best sharing from the contestant is to take at least 10 mins/week to do some minor exercise - do search 'youtube on 10 mins workout'). Other than that, always always be confident with yourself.

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  1. seronoknye.. tahniah pd pemenang .

  2. Wow all the best to the finals and can't wait for the results.

  3. This looks like so much fun!

  4. Tahniah kepada pemenang.

  5. Congrats to the winners and good luck for the final round !

  6. Tahniah buat semua pemenang. Setiap pemenang ada kelebihannya yang tersendiri dipandang oleh juri.

  7. tahniah kepada semua pemenang.. mmg mereka layak

  8. Wah.. tahniah buat semua pemenang.. yang penting kekalkan momentum sihat dan cantik

  9. Wahh thniah yg terpilih... Seronok tgk event cmni.. Syg wawa xdpt join utk johor.. Huhu

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